We have been eating a lot of sprouts lately. Mung bean sprouts, dill, red clover, fenugreek, arugula, cress, radish, adzuki bean, alfalfa, etc. They are supposed to better for you than other foods, like, coffee.
Ideas are like sprouts. If they take root, they can grow into something unexpected. I love this story of The Last Supper because even though it contains tragedy, it contains bright hope. I grew up in a loving, atheist family, yet when I first heard this story, it sprouted like a mung bean. My friend Max Grover gave me this little clay sculpture. I think it is Peruvian.
I hope you have a Happy Easter.
DIll sprouts sound yummy. I'm going to have to try that!
I was looking for this "Groundhog Day quote":
"I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
~Joyce Kilmer, "Trees," 1914
Thanks for sharing your growing story,
and the cool sculpture.
Hey Kim, you must try those sprouts, they are a total surprise. And each one is so different from the others. Like sprouted peas, for instance. Tender and delish.
Thanks for that poem, Faithy. I haven't seen the whole thing in forever. I'll bet it is a favorite of Ents as well.
I love all the head-gear on the figures in that sculpture. :-) (It's a good, good story...)
I've been sprouting this year also. Love buckwheat sprouts for breakfast. Lentil sprouts are one of my current favorites. Haven't tried dill yet - but that sounds tasty.
Simple, poignant and so true.;)
I hope you have a lovely Easter with your family.;) Full of many sprouting creative ideas.;)
richard - food - well my skinny body can't get enough of it and it's not at all picky about what it wishes for although brussels sprouts have not crossed its lips since my grandma died. sprouts are so darn good but richard so is coffee!! coffee gives me the most groovalicious headrushes and insights and creative ideas sprout - there's a nice segue - all over the map of my mind!!! i really love the little last supper here!!! i wonder what they ate. steven
I am fond of sprouts, they are spring anytime of year. My favorite are plain old bean sprouts but I like them all.
I hope you don't mind, I am tagging you. The rules to this one are fairly simple;
• Open your first photo folder and select the 10th photo
• Publish it and tell the story of the photo
• Tag 5 friends and inform them.
I would love to see what you pick.
Hope your Easter plans were nice, but there is nothing better than a good cup of coffee in the morning.
Sprouts are grand with cream cheese on toast with some avacado.
Joy to you today.
Thanks, Tara. Buckwheat sprouts sound great. I'm glad you commented on the headgear. It does look like they've just come in from a rugby match.
Steven, thanks for the word, "groovalicious". Now I am complete. I agree with you about the coffee. I had a friend who called it Swedish gasoline. As to what they ate? Notice the word on the little clay jug: "VINO".
Thanks, Kat. I will do the 20th photo thing soon. I have to finish a very difficult painting first.
Hi Amber, thanks for your comment. The sprouts, cream cheeze and avocado on toast sounds so good, I will have it for lunch. Hope you have a lovely spring.
Now I am hungry-humm used my last avacado- but we have sunflower sprouts now here in the southwest-since the dry land farmers are starting to go them.
Hope you had a wonderful Easter!
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